Sunday, October 21, 2007

Property Tax In Houston Area

an Oktoberfest in the Far East

Yesterday was an interesting day here in Ningbo. There is apparently an annual "festival of German beer" instead. A whole stadium is remodeled for it. 4-5 beer tents lots of food stalls and of course lots of German beer. The design and the whole device is super successful and forward with increasing pressure to provide was a pretty great atmosphere generated.
negative I found to make the music instead of two tents have sold any Chinese billigkram. Other tents were filled but good. Sorry, I forgot my nice digital camera so I could only take a few pictures with the camera phone of my friend. The beer was quite expensive by Chinese standards, which also eat but still cheaper than in Germany.
the fun factor was great to have a long time are not as much fun gehapt. The course had its price. 3 liters of beer and 8 hours of sleep later the cat was accordingly.
Here I am with a Chinese Something to see.

A few small impressions.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Can Pregnant Women Use Ambosol For Toothaches

Linux on the Haier W18

The Haier W18.

A notebook from the Chinese manufacturer Haier. Who hates it when Windows can plow on it. The problem is the ACPI that runs under windows is not very good. And added to the because the fan after just over a month with dust added is the thing louder than ne horde Tiger tanks.

why is linux on this notebook is the first choice. But which one? I have several
Distrobitionen on OOB (out of box) testing capabilities and there are 3 winners.

PC Linux OS. Resolution and sound will not work correctly. With a little
frickeln But is it done quickly.
OOB = No

Like PClinux OS does not the sound it should install the module snd_hda_intel. Otherwise, everything works.
OOB = No

Everything works right after installation. should, of Compiz, etc. However, I need to bring a bit of background knowledge of linux to be happy with sabayon.

It works almost nothing. However, the extremely short boot time so I can recommend it for people who are familiar with Solaris. Because it has the Solaris kernel.
OOB = No

Ubuntu-compiz runs up to all OOB. The installation of XGL or the atitreibern takes but a little and you should know how to configuriert Xorg.
OOB = Yes (except 3d games)

hardware Otherwise, only to say FINGERWEG from Haier w18 put your money and spend it responsibly ". This is not ding the hell it is hard to batteries last a long time, it is damn loud and without additional cooling, you can not work with it because it cuts out after 2 hours because it is running hot.

\\ out

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Scorpio Man Is He Flirting

Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon is out

Yes the long wait has finally ended. The new version of Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon is out.
name I know bummer but one thing I tell you the OS packs a punch.

-automatic hardware detection.
super easy installation
-installation CD is at the same LiveCD

There are many other reasons why this is so great os but the screenshot shows that Linux is already the very advanced. And advanced means in this case, not heavy but simply and well. Negative remains to be said that many games do not run windows.

sucks otherwise remains only to say to you here is the link

Click Me

And if the installation is over just take a look here.

Ubuntu Users

They have an excellent wiki and the forum is also very good.

As you can probably imagine I use and my girlfriend ubuntu (and the knowledge with PCs but not at all out of something) without problems.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Why Cant I Hear My Microphone Samson R10s

Ersmal herzilchst welcome

It is now a year ago after meeting them I am from China. I've experienced a lot in that time. Lots of good and of course very much bad. Until now I have all survived relatively intact and it is currently on mountain.

Anyway I have now decided to even write a little about my experiences.

This blog is not, however, constructed around a particular theme but I write about everything. God and the world, Microsoft and the Linux and so on.

So until denne