Friday, April 30, 2010

World List Breast Size By Nationality

hey, teacher

We teachers love rules.
think why we get used to the Ten Commandments and the laws. And to the grammar rules.
are therefore we really grumpy, if a student takes Double S a S writes and takes the fourth case, the third used.
It is innate to the teacher to find errors. Especially in the other.

If you ask a teacher, what excites him most, and engaged in life, he will not say, economic crisis or climate change.
No, he will say that it annoys him most when people or students or the dative Akusativ, without art any case, wait, use at random. That brings him up the wall or, here in the mountains, to the nearest conifer.
You know what annoys him right? If the television is a snob with a set so far ihnmit that begins and continues . Get the conditions the teacher when he hears that.
After insofar as is and not that!

people always want to impress again former teachers at various classes or class reunion.
If you want a teacher that you admire, look, you find that any complicated grammar topic and discuss it with him. And then insist on your position. Listen While its on, but contradict him, but hit up correctly and untermaure your theory with well-chosen examples, in which you einbaust a few foreign words.
best those which correspond to the times or he does not know. Comma rules in subordinate clauses, for example, would be very good. Or subjunctive II - Sets washed Mölke wholesome , etc.

The greatest pleasure for a teacher is to sift through books and magazines on spelling and style errors. If he finds one, he knows he is better than the author and editor off together. The larger the edition of the book or the magazine, the greater his enthusiasm. So if the teacher finds a flaw in the crown of paper, he throws a party that evening.

Do not think that a teacher has largely over it if you send him an email, which lacks one or two commas. Since you're down by at him.
you can avoid the you give him something by proof-read. Be so good Hans, and ran me through. I need to write a report for my boss and I'm not sure if it fits. You know, I've not so with the spelling.
It confirmed his opinion that he intended for higher things and over-qualified for his job is.

You must know, one who can be teachers, nothing else. I do not know who said this. In any event, not a teacher.


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