Wednesday, November 7, 2007

What's The Strongest Underwear

The Gentoo experiment

Last weekend I have got a mammoth project done. The first Gentoo installation. I was well prepared and thought nothing could shock me. The Gentoo Handbook as a PDF file loaded on my PSP xorg.conf lsmod and lspci list ubuntu from my well at that.
I thought that I Waehren prepared. Since I was wrong, after 3 hours of scrupulous abbarbeitung of the manual I had spat in reply CHROOT a strange error on the google grade times 2 (and the real in Turkish).

Ok the next day the same thing again and somehow closed the chrooting and everything else. As the sense of Gentoo is all there myself I did not adjust to the selection of a pre-compiled kernel, and I ventured to the supreme discipline. To configure the kernel itself, and compilers.

Everything went super great to reboot after my numerous error messages .... and then the kernel panic screen was seen. Since that time I have about 6 hours sitting at the PC (the Chinese real mirror to lame) I also had no desire anymore to try again.

have And then re-installed ubuntu, Ubuntu installation took about 20 minutes was unfortunately the system (burner was not recognized, no sound, and at the beginning Xorg.conf was botched) and the vagueness of the buggy, I deleted it again and sometimes angry I again found my way back to debian.

Yet by the Gentoo experiment in 2 days I have learned more about Linux than in 8 months of Ubuntu. Nevertheless, I grumble, few things could make the gentoo automatically or at least simplify it could not exist. Things like the kernel configure (More help) or an automatic mirror looking (apt-spy) would make life easier and very not intervene into Gentoo installation philosophy.

I am now in debian and am satisfied. You must frickeln more but this allows the system to adapt much better.

My Debian TODO list

Sound 3D support

Then everything goes well

Gentoo But be careful .... I COME AGAIN!


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