Frontenwirrwar leads to heating
for today's post I've even considered in detail what happened on the synoptic map so all we can to the end of the week for spring lovers are confronted with acceptable temperature values everywhere in Austria .... The basis of any such consideration is reasonable to apply the most recent Background:
You can see the duplicated Polar Front Zone of the northern Atlantic Ocean and the ancient cyclones off the Iberian peninsula, which is now live for more than 7 days at . And will continue to weather and Career an important role, as we shall see ..... Between the fronts unds is strong, so to speak, but migrating to the East High.
Until tomorrow ...
'm just starting to do even more ... North of Scotland is a low, which has developed magnificently in the final hours and his front systems again Scandinavia gene controls. Another young cyclones developing rapidly east of Labrador. At the ancient cyclones from Portugal, is a first offset erin active air mass limit for lying about Europe only moderately high-energy air from .... On the front, such as the Sahara of Libya air passes gradually to the north .. gaanz slowly.
Another 48 hours later ...
has now reached the Labrador cyclones as intense low-Scotland. Between the old system, Scandinavia and the Portuguese, the other inactive air mass limit has hardly stirred from the spot, but something worse. The Air Sahara is a little further ahead to the north, even a separate low forms over desert ...
later than 24 hours ...
a very similar picture. Figuratively speaking, one has the impression, that is, whether the age-old Iberierin expresses the position of the Atlantic fronts further north and therefore the outbreak of cold air in the North Atlantic definitely present, is suppressed to Central Europe.
a situation that would describe again on Saturday so ... the cold air mass will remain in the north, the shovels now Exiberierin slowly but persistently, the Mediterranean air in the Alps ... on Algeria at the local dive LMG now a number of small lows ...
.. one of which is developed into a great Sunday. The whole block, triggered by the old Exiberierin leads to an outbreak of cold air over the eastern Atlantic, in the Penelbewegegung turns the flow in the Alpine region now .. purely on South
a situation that does not change in the GFS to Monday .. Cold air outbreak over the eastern Atlantic, wave formation induced by the remains of Iberierin prevent over Western Europe the advance of cold air from the west, the Alps remains Südregime ... how long .. that no one really knows ...
Summary: Even a low-end of his life can the fortunes on the weather map to influence the long term. Portugal was there before now no depth, you could write off the springtime period for the weekend probably relish.
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