Wednesday, September 1, 2010

How To Lvl Fast In Pokemon Deluge

Super Star Silver

* * *

So what shall I now to say?
Twenty years
Many days, many nights
I'm still
more or less straight
I still
More or less light
But I think
I have stopped talking
I say a lot
But I'm not talking
I talk I no longer a
I talk to me no more of the soul
My crust is silent
How old blood
Like dry bread
Someone is going to what?
Did I miss something?
I do not want just ask
And no more talk

Twenty years
Many days, many nights
Do So what should I say?
I turn off
I turn to to
what the other side of love is
which I so little understand
Which I could not really say never
Something Clear
but are beyond
Beyond these unreached love
Somewhere there
this promised Since they must be words

I want to find you and they say they finally

receiving forever
Yes Maybe

Am I simply not yet enough

* * *


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