Ibus asterisk
You are now become 8
Oh my God
How can people be so beautiful
infinity wonderfully beautiful
Even the numbers on the calendar today
making fun
You Happy birthday to you there are
And it's indescribably beautiful
That you're there That your
sweet crafty smile
Our world enchanted
that we watch and wonder
How do you do that?
How has God done this so well?
You are like the sun As love
How are the boots on the beach like a piece of bread
How Unique
a daughter loved and very much loved
Really I think
I was long gone
So excited
you live
you today your birthday
You are 8
8 is now my absolute
favorite number
And you
You are and always will
daughter of Abraham
In the winter, in spring
Summer, Autumn
Is it always
Even if no one sees your tears
* * *
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