Monday, January 31, 2011

Can You Buy Alcohol With An Id

Yasi will land in Cairns ....


Yasi it's gorgeous right now ...

Category 3 cyclone has now arrived on the Coral Sea and moves very quickly on to west-southwest. Low shear in the upper atmosphere and water temperatures around 29 degrees provide ensure that Yasi deepened and will soon reach KAT4. A word to the categories: The categories are differentiated by the Australian American (Simpson scale) significantly. Das liegt unter anderem auch daran, dass Mittelwinde im amerikanischen System über 1 Minute ermittelt werden, in Australien, wie auch sonst beinahe überall auf der Welt über die Dauer von 10 Minuten. The difference between the two averages may vary depending on gusty 10 to 30% is the Australian agent winds are therefore seemingly less. In order to compare it yet, Yasi becomes his heyday on shore a solid of 3 hurricane are equal. The models have to be used to calculate the trajectory compared to yesterday but a much more northerly storm tracks geeinuigt that will ensure the adult 4-Yasi as he will go on land near Cairns ...

.. and will therefore only weaken over land much further west. Cairns, a city with 125,000 inhabitants, therefore, controls the 5 years after Cyclone Larry, in 1996 as an almost 5-country where he reached to a critical period. A 4-he brings in the ring around its core winds along 250 km / h, even worse, if you look south of the core, because there are potential 250-he bring gusts from the east, ie from the sea and with plenty of water. Even further away from the center can Mesovortices and also bring tornadoes local gusts above 200 mph. The northern storm tracks has only the advantage that the recent flood areas in central and southern Queensland are coming relatively unscathed from it.

The rainfall ... the hinterland of Cairns is mountainous, the models are currently of up to 250 L / m² of surface precipitation, which can partly on the mountains are significantly higher, so the wind will not be the only issue in this holiday paradise .... the foothills with the wind speed and the onset of convective rain would be expected in the current state of the coast at midnight European time ... remains hope to the people of Cairns and surrounding area that they can bring themselves to safety in time.


The cold in the lowlands belies the consistently unwinterliche weather situation across as a distinctive low-pressure center west of the British Isles is the heated into large sheets Atlantic air in higher layers of air to central Europe leads. In the short-term trend is in this situation, a further decline to exclude cold air here in the next 6 days.

Can the GWL tilt in the medium-term? This map of the northern hemisphere Saturday ...

Such a map provides choking on snow fans. Why? Well, you see two prominent cold poles, one on East Asia, connected via a Labrador and Greenland, with a cold bridge across the North West Passage. Such a control due to days long, more or less a slide for Atlantic cyclones with storm tracks from the Middle Atlantic to Nordskandinaven with a maximum short Trogstreifern in the Alps after passing through, weakening cold front. The sight would tap my gut feeling right height to a warm period at least until the middle of the month, a few days up and down ... Does not bother me that makes me the transition from Melbourne (40 °) to Vienna (a bissl above 0) on Thursday a little easier, and snowboarding is due to present work already too little time.



Sunday, January 30, 2011

Ontario To Do In January

Dangerous Cyclone Yasi controls on Queensland

+ + + + UPDATE at the end of the posting +++++++++


now is for the already beleaguered population in Queensland quite sure that the strong cyclone Yasi, who in the may sit next 2 under ideal conditions of strongly developed on Wednesday hit the coast.

Sun Yasi looks at the moment of:

Yasi moves the course to the southwest, reaching the sea areas with a surface temperature of 28 to 29 degrees ...

The coarse GFS model is the cyclone on Wednesday evening European time take on the central coast of Queensland ...

It winds reach the means in the coarse resolution at a central pressure of 970 hPa at the 30 m / s, onshore.

The BOM, Bureau of Meteorology is according to its local model of a depression at 940 hPa from ....

Date / Time: Location : Loc. Accuracy: Max Wind   : Central Pressure
[UTC]       : degrees     :      nm  [km]: knots[km/h]: hPa

+12: 31/1200: 13.9S 160.5E:     060 [110]:  070  [130]:  973
+24: 01/0000: 14.6S 157.2E:     090 [165]:  080  [150]: 
965 +36: 01/1200: 15.6S 154.0E: 120 [225]: 085 [155]: 961
+48: 02/0000: 16.9S 151.0E : 155 [285]: 095 [175]: 951
+60: 02/1200: 18.0S 148.1E: 200 [375] : 100 [185]: 942

meets In the present state of the models of cyclone northeast of Rockhampton, arrived at trauirger fame earlier this year on the coast between Mackay and Townsville.

The area with the worst effects will change but with the following model runs or even concrete. The further south Yasi any event strikes, the worse, because then the more likely areas, which have now been devastated by floods, true.

++++++++ +++++++ Update

without much comment the latest models of the landfall of Yasi. True to Ron Weasley: Wicked.



Thursday, January 20, 2011

Difference Between A Ppo And Pffs Plan


Average Cost Of Basketball Parks

below the expropriation of the people ahead cheerfully

with the kind assistance of Mietmäuler particularly in the publicly owned media institutions.

was announced yesterday on all channels that the income tax would be reduced and "relieved" by taxpayers to "up to" 36 € a year or 3 € a month would. Any merchant who offers goods on his Grabbeltisch from 1 €, in which then only to find parts from 5 € are is more honest than these propagandists.

would get the 3 € a month tax payers who would pay the maximum tax rate and advertising costs under 920 euros in its tax return identifies. Of course, these taxpayers, there they exist, a rarity. And then this minimal increase in expenses will also be sold as a tax simplification. Delicious? Or rather an impertinence?

Unfortunately people are not aware that the state each worker cheating just in the advertising costs for decades. With the blessing of the alleged constitutional protectors - of course!

The expenses associated with the commencement of employment, the employee can only make the journey to the work maintains that the return is a "private matter". Strange thing is that accidents also insured during the return trip are. But perhaps since even a "reform" plan.

first since 2010 for health insurance contributions reduce the taxable income. Over 60 years of tax fraud in the workforce, the Constitutional Court Certainly every always recognized as "law". wanted to pay only when a privately insured person to the health insurance for his children, no taxes, because the judges saw action.

In the same vein, the Constitutional Court ruled on the taxation of pension contributions. Only when an officer who himself had never paid a cent / penny in his retirement / pension, complained about the tax on his pension, as decided the "court", the rent would be taxed and not the contributions. But it acknowledged the legislature a period of more than 25 years to change that.

are therefore taxable pension contributions each year a little less and the benefits will be taxed.

The mathematical geniuses of the Constitutional Court argued, however, in your opinion seriously, that the pensioner's only 50 percent of his pension contributions was taxed, and for this reason he must nachversteuern 50 percent (with each year more).

The contributors, however, were taxed during the working period, the pension contributions with the highest tax rate (progression) and the even decades in advance. The majority of pensioners also get such a paltry pension, that it no tax can be levied. For this reason, of course, also required a long transition period. More than 20 billion were / are the workers so drawn each year from his pocket.

Unfortunately, not only constitutional judges mathematical laymen, and even the majority of the contributors belong to this category - which I doubt for the judges, at least their advisers should be able to be expected. It is therefore a deliberate deception of the pension contributors.

On WDR2 yesterday was again a possible Pension increase of 1 percent held. At the same time, it was reported that the Pension Fund resulting surplus, which must lead to a reduction in the pension contribution. After so many years, the propaganda of priceless pension contributions was drummed - such a message!

who seriously asks what means a pension increase of one percent will notice that this means in reality a smaller pension. Even if the inflation would amount to only 1.7 percent, this would be a loss in value of the pension of 0.7 percent. In truth, the inflation rate for pensioners (that is, the median income for up to 1,000 €) is much higher.

But this 1 percent "increase" affects not only the pensioners. Unfortunately, the contributors to the majority has still not understood that this applies also to its paid-up pension contributions. There may be people that invest their money for 1 percent. In the Riester pension, the legislature is, however a minimum of 2.25 percent. But this scam, the "constitutional court" somehow justified, should someone dare to perform it in a constitutional challenge to the court.

Of course, the reference should be on the 2.25 percent return of the "Riester pension" no recommendation for the Riester pension. Without the billions of subsidies from tax revenues would not exist pension. The 2.25 percent shall also not the Riester-savers of exceptions, the 100 years and older, apart. The profit of the insurance or make better their owners and the financial industry. If it goes wrong, then the pension is gone. In the United States and even in England, the result can be seen today!

who expects a little bit, will find no great calculation skills that the value of pension contributions in just the last 20 years has fallen, taking account of inflation by more than 10 percent. And only the official rate of inflation is taken into account!

If social organizations rant about the fact that the poverty rate among pensioners in 2020 to increase to over 10 percent, then the interested reader should again look at the statistics of the BFA. The average rent is already below the poverty line. Many retirees who would now be entitled to subscribe for social money actually go, not go to office. to conclude from this, there would be no significant poverty is worst propaganda. Already have 16 percent of retirees are designated as poor. 2020, there will be far more than 30 percent.

News is now publicly against the officials or their pension amount - denounced - the Mietmäuler in the media. And the pension contributors is reminded that his pension for a maximum of 41 percent of final salary lie is (so he is not the last few years was out of work) during the official 71 percent of "pocketing".

And the "shitty" pension payer will of course require the pub, that the salaries of civil servants will be reduced to demand rather than an increase in his pension.

I can not think this is really nothing more a -

;-) Addendum: E4nder.pdf

Under this link you can look at a couple facts the theft and fraud in the pension make obvious. They do not even bother to conceal the fraud, except with stupid sayings.

Who in 2006, paid at an average salary of 26,400 € 5148 € in the pension fund to acquire a monthly pension of € 24.65. To get paid only the amount paid for the pension contribution, this would have to contributors 82 and 84 years old, depending on whether it reaches 65 or at 67 the retirement age.

The average life expectancy for men is 76 years and has declined slightly, even if the propaganda says otherwise.

Under the same link geschwafelt However, despite these clear data about a return of 4 percent for pension contributions. Similar nonsense spread even Nachdenkseiten.

From 1998 to 2009, the pension amount was increased by 11.4 percent. Even the official propaganda has, in the same period from a price increase of 17.5 percent. The value of the pension is reduced accordingly by at least 6 percent. Who has to return there as a very nasty rants about gossips or propagandist are called.

must at this point, of course, be mentioned that in addition to the retiree health insurance subsidies to receive his pension. Who reckons these payments in the return of cheating but the second time, as the contributors of course, has been paid for decades large contributions in the health insurance benefits without having to take to complete.

Although each Mietmaul and constitutional judges should be aware that the greatest amount of health insurance for the treatment of the last 2 years of a human life is used, that fact is of course never discussed in this context. Against this background, the system change in health insurance with additional contributions and participation and self-limited "employer contributions" a monstrous fraud.

The "Constitutional Court" but also justify this "expropriation" of the people with their pseudo-law, should it dare anyone to rebel against it!

small sideshow: A
ALGII receiver wins 500 Euro at the "action man". His ALGII reference is then reduced to two months to be 250 €, even though the "lucky" in the course of several years, more than pay up the 500 €. The judges found it quite correctly. The cost of the lot in the month of the gain could be the "lucky" but remove the requirement of the consortium.

It is unbelievable but true! ;-)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ice Cream Soothe Temperature

Tunisia - the people sells a despot?

In Tunisia, the people go to the streets and demanding the resignation of the president. The social need and the corrupt system of power had led to a civil burn themselves. Twitter and the internet spread this message like wildfire. Wikileaks also had Protocols published by the U.S. Embassy, where the unimaginable wealth of the leadership caste could be found.

The president was quickly besieged by the military to leave the country. Popular anger at the president and his family could enjoy themselves in the abandoned "property" of the president's family. After all

was informed the German people for the first time on German television about the political situation in Tunisia. A country in which to spend hundreds of thousands of German their holidays each year. A country in which a family for decades, plundering the people and of course the great company of the "West" it participate leaves. ZDF looked even led to apologize for "lack of coverage" in the past.

But nothing in the policy of the West changed. Mrs Merkel audacity to even ask immediately after the escape of the President, the people of Tunisia for the "rest". As if the flight of the potentates, would of course change, taking the private accounts in Switzerland, the life of the Tunisians.

learned in the context of the new Tunisia reporting of viewers now that all are many countries where dictators rule by the Tunisian model. Countries in connection with the demand for democracy and human rights were named so far by the Mietmäulern in the media before.

In contrast to the countries that are mentioned daily in the media as "human rights violators", offer the potentates in Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, to mention only a small selection by name, the West as a partner at. Of course, as a subordinate partner or superior officer. In return they are allowed to live out their rule in their countries, while demanding even military and police "help". What we now already seems to know that Egypt is equipped with sufficient military and police to prevent similar uprisings to nip in the bud. ;-)

Delicious, when read in context, then even on the Nachdenkseiten that Europe is the Tunisians should now assist in the development of democracy. What kind of nuts!

in Europe is being developed with millions of a new system for total control of the people. The European Council has already adopted a law by which all communication must be recorded in the EU. But that's not enough. With the new software to the CCTV images of "unusual behavior" to recognize and associate the cell phone tracking, and soon the location of the identity cards (with chip) of others. Finally, then either the police or the military or a drone to "treat" sent. just type in google INDECT - For those interested who are not "all" think - can. ;-)

The demands of the self-appointed ruler of the world for democracy and human rights is merely another form of warfare. And if this world rulers consider it necessary, they scare course not afraid to lead to war.

a form of war is terror. Currently, Iran is covered with terror. And these acts of terror occur naturally not in unserern media. A telegram Wikileaks revealed the participation of German think tanks in the actions in Iran. Of course, without great Resonance in the German press.

To return to Tunisia, where
is trying to install a new pseudo-democracy under the leadership of the old guard. Who will protest together beaten by the military. It will expand the power base a bit, in which one group of "senior" somewhat broadened and put maybe a few billion from oil revenues into the economy.

Some union representatives, we wanted to include in this strategy, have initially decided to reject the offer and are the planned government did not intervene. We'll see who accepted the poisoned first offers to cooperate. ;-)

In Thailand, the elected government deposed simple and citizens have taken over the government without a mandate again. The same happened with the help of the military in Honduras.

Without Chavez and the military, this would have happened in Venezuela. And what the Mietmäuler told in our media?

The "Socialist International" led by Martin Schulz, an SPD man in the European Parliament bill but now actually excluded the party's Ben Ali, with immediate effect.

what spirit these "fake socialists" are is so well-enough understood!

Monday, January 10, 2011

How Do You Make A Mini Cricket Bat

Newspeak - the power of language

or better manipulation of the Language.

Obama is known for several months in the United States as a Communist. Similarly today, many argue blogger - "smoke and mirrors" that this brainwashing has connected.

us If Obama is the Nachdenkseiten as "social" judged because he has enforced a law that allows a few million people to be insured by a kind of insurance against total crashes in the event of a disease.

A large number of U.S. Americans are not willing to pay for taxes. Those who can not afford, he shall surely stop. In the richest country in the world, there is no general free education to university or a general pension and health insurance. Who calls it, is regarded as a communist. And what is true in America will sooner or later to Germany and Europe.

"communist" was in Germany has always been a dirty word. The Nazis called themselves national socialists. But as long as the SA was used. In the period following the lost war was a "socialist" accepted grudgingly. Social were all anyway. Even the CDU blustered about the nationalization of key industries. The Basic Law even as the social responsibility of the property.

the beginning of the Cold War, the enemy could be re-installed. Designated in the east even as the Communists. In the Although SPD is still sung the Internationale, but socialism has long been nothing more than the hat. Apart from some members of the youth organization. Socially and democratically call the SPDler and as a social and Christian to call the CDUler. Free and democratic, the label of FDPler and the Green Party is already completely abandon a product label. They are open on all sides.

is now the chairman of the Left - Gesine Lötzsch - but dare actually use the term communism to a positive contribution. And they must now put up, but to be attacked not only by the Mietmäuler in the media, no self Gregor Gysi is required to take into account demand and calls to shun the use of the term.

Where we live? If the books of Marx already banned in this republic? Or even burned?

When Europe was dominated by a capitalism in which children labored in mines and human misery down dead in their barracks, as did the idea to put something against capitalism. Marx wrote the capital and workers formed unions and political parties. Bismark was contrary to his social security laws, knowing that a people that has nothing to lose, could not be controlled.

The technical development and in particular the exploitation of the third world - in the still Schechter conditions prevail as in the 18th Century in Germany - a popular participation allowed in the Western industrialized nations of the enormous economic development. The really powerful ones who recognized that with the economic growth with their capacity to grow.

Today the population is in the West only in clothes and not sacrifice naked through the streets, because little girls and boys in the third world for her life in the venom of the self-appointed ruler of the world. And they can be with food to fatten that comes from an industry that looks at the animals and people as commodities and means of production. Biologists working on meat that grows from cells in kidney dishes.

If this process completely is optimized or automated accurate, then turns to the rulers, the question of the meaning of "goods and means of production," she replied wisely many years ago.

The worthless life is not an invention of the Nazis.

And precisely for this reason Marx is more relevant today than ever. People could transform this planet into a garden of Eden. It can also destroy.

spinner who dream of conquering the universe, which does not need the mankind. On Earth, there would be enough to do, especially if the Mietmäuler in the media, their talk of democracy and human rights would take it seriously!

The worst is that the alleged social do not recognize that a reasonably paid work is the first and most important human right. The right to a reasonably paid work is the basis for all other human rights. Lack this right, then all other rights are only paper waste.

alms or newspeak Hartz IV is not a social service with dignity and have not the least to do.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Howlong Does It Take To Make Ice

The new year 2011 is only 5 days old

but I would write a book, just the three lies of the test Mietmäuler in the West German Radio - specifically in WDR2 - and to list on the news of the First and Second German television to be commented.

At the beginning of a Russian was once the darling of our media. The "poor" billionaire who amassed his billions in the era of Boris Yeltsin and then wanted to settle in the West, certainly not without first to sell large portions of his company to American corporations. You need the "West" even a rational basis for a reasonable living.

And of course there was no shortage of the country - and in particular Ms Beck - for Khodorkovsky demanded human rights. Imagine, the coup would not have been prevented by Putin. Considerable unrest in Russia to the Civil War would have been the result of unimaginable sacrifices - even a third world war would not be excluded. But Green and mind are two things that do not belong together.

Since 1.1.2011, you can refuel E10. Also, this nonsense we have to thank the Greens. Although an EU study in 2010 the madness and the lies to biofuel clearly demonstrated, although this Bioisprit today for a reduction in the food supply in the world provides, responsible for millions of starving and the dead is. This grünlakierten fascists are unstoppable. And in the current polls are even estimated at 20 percent. If the German people really that stupid?

is present, the egg or the egg dioxin in the topic in the German media forest. Of course, that without the Mietmäuler a reference to produce biofuel. The dioxin in animal feed has been created in the production of biofuel. What these people really believe, where the dioxin would be if it is not in the animal feed is? As was found

of years ago in Italy, German dioxin waste yards, as this mob has not protested! Today Mietmäuler put in WDR2 but actually the question is not whether the consumer's fault if dioxin is processed into food. Is it more clearly?

1.1.2011 also another light bulb was banished from the market. Instead, consumers should buy energy-saving lamps. An idea of the green fascists. In a few years, the mercury waste our landfills have contaminated. Not to mention the people who pop in this tube and inhale fumes after years of sitting with the physical consequences in the medical practices. And the people who are affected by the light of new lamps in their concentration. Not to mention the Chinese, the toil of these "saver" in mercury mines and the 60th Age are probably not reach. Who will stop this madness


The first day of widespread propaganda station all day the lie of peak oil, that oil stocks in the world will no longer cover the demand. A lie that the Rockefeller clan may be spread for decades around the Oil prices in order to keep its profits high. In the U.S. itself has one crude oil production since the 60's moved back. The oil in the Middle East was not only cheaper, it also ensured the commercial success to another industry - the military complex.

will take place in Sudan in the near future a choice, be the first time provided the limits in an African country at stake. Here, too, of course, the Pentagon is behind it. For years the conflicts have been fueled because Sudan did not want to bow to U.S. diktat. Now is to ensure the destruction of this country large oil reserves in southern Sudan for the U.S. industry.

Anyone who wonders why Yemen is mentioned in our news so often, should have a look even know who has purchased large tracts of land there. In the north of Yemen hold large oil reserves. Owners of the land is already one company of the Pentagon.

The English branch of this real world power, the Rothschild clan, has for years on CO2 as a source of income and domination of the rest of the world. Their disciples, of course, with great use of green fascists spread the tale for years.

And of course, went ahead with the public law right at the beginning of full steam. The earthquake in Chile and Haiti, the forest fires in Russia and also very nice - the tide in Australia, as evidence of the CO2 Therory hammered the TV people into the brain. With 120 billion rated insurance companies for the damage.

How stupid must be a people that can relate to higher CO2 concentrations would cause earthquakes?

shot the bird but the recent reports of two deaths of the propaganda media have carried the swine flu. Die each year according to current reports of the Robert Koch Institute 8-15000 people through the "standard" flu. Where none of these Mietmäuler asks why the number of flu deaths for decades virtually constant, despite vaccination!

For those which still do not know it:

The dead in the winter months to be achieved towards the dead in the other months. The surplus is reported as statistically flu deaths.

On 01/01/2011 thousands of birds fell dead from the sky - in Arkansas. They should have a fright! These people can tell almost everything - the main thing is the narrator an "expert" is best with mortarboard. ;-)

Addendum: The Green Environment Minister
in NRW suggests that food producers would have to provide insurance to Beẓah the damage. The question is there anybody know why the Greens received donations from the insurance industry?

In India At night, at the request of the government sparked public fire so that the poor Indians in this warm fire. Due to cold weather more people are freezing to death.

unbelievable act quickly as the decisions by Mexico against global warming! ;-)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Unlimited Landline Calls

never do anything in haste

As I sat today at the chairlift, I happened on my gloves this little manual trailer that is attached to the inside of the same .
If you sit on a chair, you have nothing to do, as the German holidaymaker from Dusseldorf, who sits next to you and here in the village has a second home to respond obediently to his questions and so clever to sit, that both feet relax And you forget how much you press your ski boot.
It was not easy to read the text because it was written very small and I did not take off the gloves. I remember with horror off than me, many years ago on Boxing Day a ski glove, I had to get the Christ child, the chair fell down - in the forest it was there - and I the rest of the winter with tangled and far too little sheep's wool gloves had to make do, as my father was not willing to spend money on new plastic gloves "- he always called them - to spend, would even suffice. And the sheep wool are better anyway, and he had always known - money down the drain thrown out - and if you lose one, then grandma to knit one.
So I read with narrowed eyes what was written there - in my EQ Waterguard MD glove - on the slip of paper, framed in red, so it does not read in large letters "caution"
When removing gloves, pull each finger off individually ....
I have not made only with the rubber glove, otherwise I do not get that out of hand.
I tried to remember how I always took off this ski glove, but it did not occurred. I think I use my teeth or a tooth to it.
me but I certainly am not.
... holding both outer glove and lining.
Yes, I am sure that I take a tooth to help, which I fixed outer glove and lining pinch. Your
weatherproof insert can not be sewn to the other glove.
I love that word insert weather proof, your particularly in connection with the word.
YES, it is MY weatherproof insert and YES, and it can not be sewn to the outer glove.
Of course not - you need my approval.
And I would never give up ... I do not
UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES want my waterproof insert to be sewn to the outer glove.
looked like the first, and from the waterproof effect would be the first contact with snow on the devil.
As owner of the waterproof insert I insist there is nowhere for anything is sutured without my consent. If
removed in haste the lining may be inverted. ...
Never do anything in haste. This is my New Year's annual center
purpose which can not meet me. I can not get very long. I'm trying to remember if I take off the ski gloves with or without haste. I'm not on it.
But I think the withdrawal speed is right, because otherwise it would already lining the inverterd. Not
... and it will be very difficult to remove ...
imagine if my beautiful EQ MD Water Guard would ski gloves look like my rubber gloves .. The complete
Waterproof would insert above the ugly Glove hanging over it and it would take me ages to remove it.
would probably succeed in not more me and I had to throw it away and buy me new.
And my father, who tells me anyway that I spend too much money constantly for useless things, would I inherit from the matted, small sheep wool gloves that grandma has knitted.
I will by no means, that my EQ MD waterproof ski glove that looks like my rubber glove, which is more twisted and crumpled rubber fingers hiss dust cloth and chamois in the cleaning bucket.
I will continue my EQ MD Waterproof ski gloves off just as Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's " -'s Fingers holding on to a cutting tooth, so do not miss the inner lining pulled through the outer glove is.
also see from the incredibly sexy, especially when I'm quite relaxed, with a slight angle head tilted backwards.
I Care must be taken that in this moment my ski boot is not pressing, because otherwise my face is anything but casual.