Newspeak - the power of language
or better manipulation of the Language.
Obama is known for several months in the United States as a Communist. Similarly today, many argue blogger - "smoke and mirrors" that this brainwashing has connected.
us If Obama is the Nachdenkseiten as "social" judged because he has enforced a law that allows a few million people to be insured by a kind of insurance against total crashes in the event of a disease.
A large number of U.S. Americans are not willing to pay for taxes. Those who can not afford, he shall surely stop. In the richest country in the world, there is no general free education to university or a general pension and health insurance. Who calls it, is regarded as a communist. And what is true in America will sooner or later to Germany and Europe.
"communist" was in Germany has always been a dirty word. The Nazis called themselves national socialists. But as long as the SA was used. In the period following the lost war was a "socialist" accepted grudgingly. Social were all anyway. Even the CDU blustered about the nationalization of key industries. The Basic Law even as the social responsibility of the property.
the beginning of the Cold War, the enemy could be re-installed. Designated in the east even as the Communists. In the Although SPD is still sung the Internationale, but socialism has long been nothing more than the hat. Apart from some members of the youth organization. Socially and democratically call the SPDler and as a social and Christian to call the CDUler. Free and democratic, the label of FDPler and the Green Party is already completely abandon a product label. They are open on all sides.
is now the chairman of the Left - Gesine Lötzsch - but dare actually use the term communism to a positive contribution. And they must now put up, but to be attacked not only by the Mietmäuler in the media, no self Gregor Gysi is required to take into account demand and calls to shun the use of the term.
Where we live? If the books of Marx already banned in this republic? Or even burned?
When Europe was dominated by a capitalism in which children labored in mines and human misery down dead in their barracks, as did the idea to put something against capitalism. Marx wrote the capital and workers formed unions and political parties. Bismark was contrary to his social security laws, knowing that a people that has nothing to lose, could not be controlled.
The technical development and in particular the exploitation of the third world - in the still Schechter conditions prevail as in the 18th Century in Germany - a popular participation allowed in the Western industrialized nations of the enormous economic development. The really powerful ones who recognized that with the economic growth with their capacity to grow.
Today the population is in the West only in clothes and not sacrifice naked through the streets, because little girls and boys in the third world for her life in the venom of the self-appointed ruler of the world. And they can be with food to fatten that comes from an industry that looks at the animals and people as commodities and means of production. Biologists working on meat that grows from cells in kidney dishes.
If this process completely is optimized or automated accurate, then turns to the rulers, the question of the meaning of "goods and means of production," she replied wisely many years ago.
The worthless life is not an invention of the Nazis.
And precisely for this reason Marx is more relevant today than ever. People could transform this planet into a garden of Eden. It can also destroy.
spinner who dream of conquering the universe, which does not need the mankind. On Earth, there would be enough to do, especially if the Mietmäuler in the media, their talk of democracy and human rights would take it seriously!
The worst is that the alleged social do not recognize that a reasonably paid work is the first and most important human right. The right to a reasonably paid work is the basis for all other human rights. Lack this right, then all other rights are only paper waste.
alms or newspeak Hartz IV is not a social service with dignity and have not the least to do.
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