Tunisia - the people sells a despot?
In Tunisia, the people go to the streets and demanding the resignation of the president. The social need and the corrupt system of power had led to a civil burn themselves. Twitter and the internet spread this message like wildfire. Wikileaks also had Protocols published by the U.S. Embassy, where the unimaginable wealth of the leadership caste could be found.
The president was quickly besieged by the military to leave the country. Popular anger at the president and his family could enjoy themselves in the abandoned "property" of the president's family. After all
was informed the German people for the first time on German television about the political situation in Tunisia. A country in which to spend hundreds of thousands of German their holidays each year. A country in which a family for decades, plundering the people and of course the great company of the "West" it participate leaves. ZDF looked even led to apologize for "lack of coverage" in the past.
But nothing in the policy of the West changed. Mrs Merkel audacity to even ask immediately after the escape of the President, the people of Tunisia for the "rest". As if the flight of the potentates, would of course change, taking the private accounts in Switzerland, the life of the Tunisians.
learned in the context of the new Tunisia reporting of viewers now that all are many countries where dictators rule by the Tunisian model. Countries in connection with the demand for democracy and human rights were named so far by the Mietmäulern in the media before.
In contrast to the countries that are mentioned daily in the media as "human rights violators", offer the potentates in Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, to mention only a small selection by name, the West as a partner at. Of course, as a subordinate partner or superior officer. In return they are allowed to live out their rule in their countries, while demanding even military and police "help". What we now already seems to know that Egypt is equipped with sufficient military and police to prevent similar uprisings to nip in the bud. ;-)
Delicious, when read in context, then even on the Nachdenkseiten that Europe is the Tunisians should now assist in the development of democracy. What kind of nuts!
in Europe is being developed with millions of a new system for total control of the people. The European Council has already adopted a law by which all communication must be recorded in the EU. But that's not enough. With the new software to the CCTV images of "unusual behavior" to recognize and associate the cell phone tracking, and soon the location of the identity cards (with chip) of others. Finally, then either the police or the military or a drone to "treat" sent. just type in google INDECT - For those interested who are not "all" think - can. ;-)
The demands of the self-appointed ruler of the world for democracy and human rights is merely another form of warfare. And if this world rulers consider it necessary, they scare course not afraid to lead to war.
a form of war is terror. Currently, Iran is covered with terror. And these acts of terror occur naturally not in unserern media. A telegram Wikileaks revealed the participation of German think tanks in the actions in Iran. Of course, without great Resonance in the German press.
To return to Tunisia, where
is trying to install a new pseudo-democracy under the leadership of the old guard. Who will protest together beaten by the military. It will expand the power base a bit, in which one group of "senior" somewhat broadened and put maybe a few billion from oil revenues into the economy.
Some union representatives, we wanted to include in this strategy, have initially decided to reject the offer and are the planned government did not intervene. We'll see who accepted the poisoned first offers to cooperate. ;-)
In Thailand, the elected government deposed simple and citizens have taken over the government without a mandate again. The same happened with the help of the military in Honduras.
Without Chavez and the military, this would have happened in Venezuela. And what the Mietmäuler told in our media?
The "Socialist International" led by Martin Schulz, an SPD man in the European Parliament bill but now actually excluded the party's Ben Ali, with immediate effect.
what spirit these "fake socialists" are is so well-enough understood!
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