Friday, December 31, 2010

Drinking Water And My Mouth Goes Dry

5 before

What are you doing in the last five minutes?
I mean, five minutes before starting something new.
five minutes before a trip, you take. Five Minutes before the train leaves. You kiss those derdich has brought to the station.
Five minutes before the plane takes off judge, you thee the Speibsackerl or look out the emergency exits are in case you crash.
And what do you do in the last five minutes of the old year?
See whether your glass is full? Your hair
A cigarette smoke?
ready before you, be prepared.
still go fast lulu, Grandma would have said. Who wants to start a new year with crossed legs and a full bladder?
You could also do something you want to do in the New Year.
You could start with the diet you run through the whole New Year or want to smoke you could stop.
sing you could if you want to take voice lessons in the New Year.
I was in any event held in the old year to grandma's saying and I decided to spend the last five minutes on the toilet.
Well, say, three in five minutes.
a truly symbolic act, the old man let go and wash away to make room for new things. FIVE MINUTES
someone shouts.
's go, Amadea.
I'm comfortable out of the bar, down the stairs. Head held high I go, I walk like a queen. I've still got five minutes. An eternity.
No one there. Wonderful. I am all alone. How nice. And yet nearly five minutes. Or four.
Oh, a run. Never mind. I have a Reserverstrumpfhose with and another four minutes. Or three and a half.
laddering tights, new out. And pure. Why does not it? I am stuck. By hand. This bracelet, I would assume it should not. Since what gets caught. But how. Now, nothing works.
One leg of the ladders in tights. The other in the air.
My arm gets caught in the strap with nylon.
You do not have enough time Amadea. Stress is not up now. You're finished already with other difficult situations.
Why I no longer hear the band?
And suddenly I hear it.
This can not be!
band down!
pantyhose high!
flush lever down and out.
The stairs!
Into the restaurant.
I grab a glass.
The Danube so blue, so blue, so blue.
missiles thunder.
Happy New Year! Since I have a kisses on the cheek. One that I do not know. A German.
all others at the table to kiss me too.
Happy New Year! strangers hug me.
I go back to the table. In a trance, the other glass in hand.
Happy new year, Amadea. Stay Healthy.
You too, Anna. Happy New Year. I have to wash my hands.
On leaving, she calls after me: As depends on what your leg, Amadea. And a ladder you have, too.

Monday, December 27, 2010

My Female Doctor Stares At My Penis


When everything is over
If it no longer crackles
hot and still
Then Feuerabend
Then do not we
talk and dream
of summer and winter
from spring and autumn
Then we feel
That it is a song are
Like night and day
As word and voice
Like father and son
Like love
burns everything and
How cold
The all iced
No letter this world
stop them is When they come

When everything is over
If it does not stop sizzling hot and still

* * *

Merkwürdig: Bin heute Morgen zwischen 4 und 5 wach geworden und hatt diesen Text im Kopf .... Manchmal notier their mir Dinge, die nicht selbst their verstehe, aber mach's trotzdem them. So they know Fotos mache. Einfach so ...

Thursday, December 23, 2010

How To Reduce Frequent Erection

EU - the direct road to the dictatorship of the money aristocracy

One of the key lies in order once again to get to the actual topic of this blog, is the EU. Under the guise of preventing further wars in Europe, the goal of a united Europe from the politicians (whether left or right) foisted the people.

the real driving forces remained in the background. These were the nobility and the moneyed aristocracy, which in the early 50s to a Secret Club have joined forces - the Bilderbergers. Your driver could only stay a secret, because almost all political forces and in particular the media fully informed of the shareholders were under their control.

Today, the former secret documents in the network freely available. Nevertheless, suggests no significant resistance, on the contrary, even Oskar Lafontaine, the myth continues to spread, from the united Europe, that peace and economic prosperity of its people secure.

This post demo Cartesian Europe even has a constitution, which of course can not call it that, because that in a democratic way, even after over 60 years of massive propaganda is not possible. A referendum, which is essential for constitutions according to the prevailing doctrine, would be found in almost any country in the majority.

the "unconstitutional" is still binding for all countries, nearly 90 percent of all new laws are adopted in Europe and € are not subject to parliamentary control. The Pseudoparlamet in Brussels can read and talk and they can only confirm a president, including its commissioner, which was set before you. It may not nominate opposing candidates and there should not reject a commissioner. Who speaks for this body of Parliament, who left well rid of old soil of democracy.

the "unconstitutional" is today from any citizen be viewed on the Internet. When the German Bundestag voted on this was not the case. In this supposedly democratic country one of the most important laws were passed without any of the contents of the parliamentarians would have only read about. has to be said is that this "unconstitutional" even by the majority of lawyers in this country can not be read.

This contract is completely useless as a constitution and without a multi-year study to not understand. Flege Gerd Kamp offers to interested parties on its website a well-edited version of this pseudo-Constitution. The purpose of building this "constitution" is to make the content unreadable and thus prevent the people able to read and understand this treaty. The goal was achieved.

All major laws in the countries of the EU are subject to this pseudo-Constitution. About 80 percent of all new laws are passed by a committee and must be changed in each country translated into national law. It's not about the content but the design. Since the German Michel can choose what he wants. As an alternative, any elected government, only the withdrawal from the Union.

Where the contracts it is the remaining free nations to deal with such governments with economic and military actions. The necessary organizations are already available and waiting to be activated.

In the design of additional laws for the removal of rights of the people - commonly referred to as civil rights - the governments of the countries in the EU are autonomous. From 1.1.2011 there is in Hungary a "commission" that decides whether have kept information on the Internet and in newspapers, the principle of "objectivity." Violators can be punished with substantial fines. The Prime Minister of this country takes over the presidency of the EU on 1.1.2011.

Who wants to learn the German radio and television about this, should discover how these Mietmäuler this frontal attack on democracy . Blandish They are not to be justified even stupid, this abolition of expression and freedom of information so that each country in the design of its press laws, "free" would be.

it goes even more boldly? Hungary makes only the frontrunners.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Short Dress For Which Lag Shape


Them Schlemm
sed'a foaken Daut Daut
En meend'a uck jenau soo
Both hee sed mixture vondoag uck
Hee Dee ons hall goot tjant
Dee Moak aules Kaun
Mie Mie bewoare woat
aules jewe woat
Waut etj bruck Daut
And bruckd doatoo dee dee And Mood
Von sienem ellsten Sehn
Tom von Daut Hoat sienem jinjsten Sehn
A bet A bet stella moake
Sonn JéWé
A bet A bet ennseepe Mett Schnee

* * *

Dise Jetoa ETJ far a funk poa Doag gaunz billich em Lidl - and a mug noodles selwst Jeschentj;) Haud se sullt beta enstemme verrem Video Oppnehme. This we eschte Jetjlimpa and Daut Daut Wullen ETJ spontan dokumentere. Eenfach ut Dommheit. Apropos Jeschentje: Vondoag zemorjens Laus an ETJ Brooda Haun ut mienem Mail von Australien, Mett soone Goode Wed ... And a poa Menut lota tjlinjad dee Potschtaljon aune Dea brocht mie en een seetet Pakeetje of Mien Ma ... Daut Lewe liable piece emma een poa boiling, dee soo send witt of snow, soo Woam from Wiehnacht.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

How Much Daylight Are We Gaining Each

There is not even an indictment Assange

but a European arrest warrant - really incredible.

course, the Swedish prosecutors could ask Assange in England and then decide whether and what charges will be levied against him. But they do not because they still need a judge who accepts the indictment.

The Swedish prosecutor has the task to lock away or locked away Assange , So that the U.S. can have time to make an extradition request. In the meantime, Assange sidelined and all imitators to make the example Assange aware of what he faces if he does, what it has done Assange.

Is there really a person who believes the Swedish Staatsanwätin it concerned the alleged "crimes" against two Swedes?

Well of course there are those people. There are those who can sell every day of the mass media for fools. Posed before a camera and declare that they are happy to present a body scanner, as this is so only their safety. And explain that the state of course make their calls, Emails and their journey on the highway and Elena on record their absences allowed in the company - who has nothing to hide, which would need not to fear!

But the majority of people interested in all this is not easy. Messages to be noticed only in passing. By the official packaging this information in the mass media, they only take note - everything is good. Wake up these people until they themselves are affected. Unfortunately, it's probably too late then.

the example of Greece could all see what's coming. But with the help of Mietmäuler in pressses the Greeks for their own misery blamed. And according to chatter on Citizens to what was set before him the media. Germany is already a low-wage country that sends the Danish meat industry, their slaughtered pig carcasses in order to process it for sale on. The cost savings will then pay the Germans over higher taxes and social contributions.

the example of the Defense "Guttenberg" you can document the system of brainwashing very beautiful. This man has no political but also done nothing. He is transferred to even lie. And if some get upset now, because that suits with his wife and PR machine is flying to Afghanistan, then I ask myself who have nothing better to do? Where does the 700 Million by the family Guttenberg now called her own? Where they are formed so-called elites? How does it work?

check is now and also the 19 times clock television?

Because every day presents famous actors and singers, and especially members of the European aristocracy for hours on all channels without any content and millions look back and dream of one to be a princess. Each episode shows

American Idol on TV at how easy each X can be established to any star. It does not have irrelevant, like this one or this looks like or what they paid in the previous life, or not done. Important alone is the treatment of public representation. A Paul Pott must be marketed differently than a matter of course to Guttenberg or Katz.

And of course these figures can be written down again if needed, improving its usability not negligible.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Men Fake Gold Crucifix

systemically. Pleasant

Can not sleep
My birthday is long over
Saturday, Sunday, it's
Monday morning
And so many other people
Am I disappointed
just want to sleep
But the night is not on my side today

your water deep and cold and
their beauty and freshness is now inviting non

Show me
Once again this family photo
That's you?
How little I know you!
And who are all the others?
That you've brought me to this music
I hear you I hear the fact

What we could not talk
What lies in our genes
I take it into my room

in my ears and in my heart
sleep ?

* * *

Cost Of Whole Laser Hair Body

turkey-sh delight

snow outside - the neighbors shovel straight down from his roof, and I do not feel the need to go shopping first, my car is buried. under snow, because last night I was too lazy to put it in the garage. Secondly, I have no need to go shopping in anorak, scarf and gloves, to trudge through the snow and then the heavy bag home zuschleppen.
I have invited guests for this evening, and now I'll have to cook what.
Something New I need - a stuffed turkey!
in my freezer waiting for the turkey, which I recently got a present from a colleague on his preparation.
course, an organic turkey, grew up in Styria, the brother of fellow who owns an organic farm.
I suppose so the bird out to defrost.
know after three hours of deliberation, I still do not know if I fill it, as a whole, cut or prepared, it is served in a pepper sauce or just fry. So
computer and into the Internet, Google and clicked go. entries appear without number, I finally found something: Roast Stuffed Turkey
Recipe - Home Cooking standing there, next to the question: "translate this page?" Why not
Short pondering the automatic translation program, and food appears recipe.
The ingredients seem simple:
turkey, salt, pepper, thyme, garlic, onion powder.
The sentence "dressing, stuffing of choice" I read about. It seems to me important.
Item 2 of the cooking guide sounds funny: "Let's They somehow fat remaining on the bird away. Place the turkey on a few layers of paper towels to drain. "
so I use it to drain and make me a cup of coffee now.
. "Spray area liberally with salt and pepper"
This is clear: Season the bird inside inside.
But now it is complicated: "Stand the bird on its tail end in a large bowl, with a spoon, fill to the neck area loosely with dressing. It is important to complete the treatment in the bird rather loosely, because treatment will be extended during cooking. Pull the neck skin over the treatment and attach it to the body with a Geflügelaufsteckspindel. "
I do not have Geflügelaufsteckspindel!
"Pull the legs close to the body and tie the ends together with cotton string."
with legs drawn up, I'm sitting on the cotton couch and watch the bird that sits still on the run - without Geflügelaufsteckspindel!
I'll get the recipe that I have a print, and read further: "Insert a meat thermometer into the inner thigh area near the breast, making.certain one, which is the tip of the thermometer is not touching bone."
That sounds like slaughter.
"While many commercial turkeys with a Disposable thermometers are packaged preinserted in the breast that is designed to pop up when the bird is done, a standard meat thermometer, inserted in the thickest part of the leg, is placed at the time the turkey in the oven for roasting, is considered more reliable means of determining the cooking. "
This sentence gives me even after repeated reading puzzle. He reminds me of Mr Bean and his "stuffed turkey". I read the rest of the preparation and dedicate myself to the part that describes the roasting of the turkey.
"Fold the wings under the bird to provide a platform for the roast are available. Place The turkey, breast side up, on a wire rack. Fry the turkey run clear up the juices. "
At the sight of the bird that sits pale at the issue, there are small beads of sweat form on my forehead. I will never manage!
"Remove the aluminum foil, about 30 minutes before the turkey is done to complete the browning of the bird," This is me with the aluminum foil so new - it was never mentioned before. And what good is browning? Sounds a little French - brunee? No, I think I confused with brulee.
turkey instead of the Creme Brulee I should have been prepared.
Remove The turkey from the oven and put it on a serving platter or carving board;. Let stand 10 minutes before you carve "The
with the carving is clear to me. Cut-perhaps they say in English, and to carve not cut.
"Meanwhile you are the Türkeisoße."
What's that? When did the Americans cook sauces Turkey?
"Remove the entire treatment for the neck and body spaces before you carve the turkey. Pour the sauce into a Soßeboot and do not exceed the table. "
Uahhh ... I think before I google the table exceed that I Türkeisoße.
Should it be so complicated as the stuffed turkey, I would rather go shopping and make Wiener Schnitzel.
I must hurry, however, the guests come in one and a half hours.
Finally, a small resolution. Türkeisoße = The juices of the turkey.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Mount And Blade Marry Well Requirement

Why you so like

Because you this ice cream from McDonald's like
Because you the warm rays of the sun love
Because you this Wearing name
You are wise and you are beautiful
It is easy for me to talk to you I will always
to talk to you
You can laugh so and you cry like a child
infects That, I laugh with you and my
tears are
A river bed like no other in this world
You are a woman
You bring new life into our days and nights
In my and
You're doing so well
that at the end really leaves only one question:
doing as that you?
You had bad luck with your nest
you had reason to be bitter silence
to infinity loud cries of despair
to a real end of Selective and you
yet the ear of a The heart of an unknown friend

Our houses are in sight and
Our doors and windows are not closed

That was not my plan and even less
My performance
Since I've been pretty lucky

* * *

Sunday, December 5, 2010

What To Mix Drambuie With

Wikileaks unmasked the ugly face of alleged law

Wikileaks has made it and everyone is talking about - even in the supposed "quality media".

This Mietmäuler of course the job, the information content of the Cable Gates papers to write small. They peddle mostly unimportant information from the papers that meet the ordinary in the Yellow Press. And of course, is the people not aware that only a very small part of the paper was put online.

Wikileaks, however, has a high demand on the disclosure of secret data. Each message must be checked by two independent persons and sensitive personal data must be removed or blackened. In addition, the data were previously provided to all major print media in the major Western industrial nations available - and then publish the audited information.

Wikileaks has never acted differently. It offers the possibility of informant information without being recognized and protected against unauthorized access to online. In this way journalism works all over the world, in contrast to the obsequious and uncritical reporting, where journalists like well-known make known or nonsensical questions and get answers.

with one major difference - Wikileaks provides truly secure data protection. If today, even former "journalists" as a gentleman Leyendecker, attack Wikileaks diskreditiieren it and then you should know how far our legal system and insbedondere it "supporting" characters are corrupted.

A high Canadian official has publicly demanded the killing of Assange. Of course, without resonance in the German press of Mietmäuler. This is also not published, that students and officials in the U.S. were drawn from personal letters that a visit would threaten the Wikileaks sites from their employment and their prospects for a job. Where are we living in?

have become known, however, public statements by the Foreign Minister of the United States, Mrs. Clinton, her staff to obtain sensitive data even from UN ambassadors. Fingerprint and credit card numbers belonged to it. What you probably do so all can? For the so-called quality media, however, is less unusual let alone empörendswert. Where are we living in?

is now thinking about it already in France, by which means, one can forbid the hosting of Wikileaks data. Existing stores are closed to Wikileaks, accounts are locked. All this without any judicial sentence. Governing and company managers act in the alleged democracies like royalty, just as if the judiciary would have already been abolished. Where are we living in?

addition to dismantle them the appearance of the face of Wikileaks, Juliane Assange, and spread with relish the story of an alleged rape and the international search Assange do.

It is each of these Mietmäuler known that Assange was questioned already in Sweden and was released because there was no rape. Both women had sought their own initiative in sexual intercourse, even several times, and even after days of enthusiasm about it expressed publicly.

was needed in Sweden has three prosecutors to construct using a special feature of the Swedish law, a prosecution. Ending a cohabitation that began with condom, without condom, then it is a rape can be constructed. Of course, this fact in Germany "quality media" is never mentioned, nor is informed that it is possible in Israel is to construct a rape when one conceals the woman that you are not a Jew.

Welcome to reality!

thinks And always remember - so far, only a very small part of the document published. This is the real reason for the current self - unmasking the self-proclaimed Democrats Anglo - American model.

on Fox News was reported yesterday in detail about the arrest of Assange. The judge within England found that Assange can not be extradited to Sweden, because the alleged crimes in England would be no crime. It is not about rape, it is important that a condom is geplatz. And our

polluters, such as WDR, ZDF, as well as all the newspapers continue to spread the myth of an alleged rape. Who can stop these criminals! If the finish is really sure to understand any English?

After I had threatened the WDR e-mail an ad when they report again in connection with Assange of a rape, "rape" with "sexual assault" has been replaced. What work for perverts there?

However, the English judge was in custody Assange Why?

order to allow the United States in the meantime a different arrest warrant be drawn up. Because it would then order the publications in the network. But then of course would have all the respon Main Street Media in prison the same like Wikileaks have made! For this reason, you wonder in the U.S., Assange to deny the status of a journalist. Only "journalists" can refer to this view, "Democrats" on the First Amendment, freedom of information.

you can more directly reveal the visage of this democracy?

Welcome to reality! Wikileaks unmasked the self-proclaimed state of law.

self bow English judge, the U.S. American domination.

Control of German "quality media" is perfect. Even on 12/08/2010 at 9:36 clock, after the establishment of Assange, and after the declaration of the English judge, that Swedish arrest warrant is not an accusation of rape, this information is in German media reported. How hollow

German journalists can be taken solely from the fact that itself is written in the star continuously, Wikileaks would have made the full data from Cable-Gates online. But can most likely hollow, the wrong word, so do not be stupid to. This is the commission of Mietmäulern for brainwashing!

Monitor yesterday made an exception once, and sent halfway reasonable information to Wikileaks. However, without dumbing down the general media to attack directly, including awareness of what's going on here really!