Friday, December 31, 2010

Drinking Water And My Mouth Goes Dry

5 before

What are you doing in the last five minutes?
I mean, five minutes before starting something new.
five minutes before a trip, you take. Five Minutes before the train leaves. You kiss those derdich has brought to the station.
Five minutes before the plane takes off judge, you thee the Speibsackerl or look out the emergency exits are in case you crash.
And what do you do in the last five minutes of the old year?
See whether your glass is full? Your hair
A cigarette smoke?
ready before you, be prepared.
still go fast lulu, Grandma would have said. Who wants to start a new year with crossed legs and a full bladder?
You could also do something you want to do in the New Year.
You could start with the diet you run through the whole New Year or want to smoke you could stop.
sing you could if you want to take voice lessons in the New Year.
I was in any event held in the old year to grandma's saying and I decided to spend the last five minutes on the toilet.
Well, say, three in five minutes.
a truly symbolic act, the old man let go and wash away to make room for new things. FIVE MINUTES
someone shouts.
's go, Amadea.
I'm comfortable out of the bar, down the stairs. Head held high I go, I walk like a queen. I've still got five minutes. An eternity.
No one there. Wonderful. I am all alone. How nice. And yet nearly five minutes. Or four.
Oh, a run. Never mind. I have a Reserverstrumpfhose with and another four minutes. Or three and a half.
laddering tights, new out. And pure. Why does not it? I am stuck. By hand. This bracelet, I would assume it should not. Since what gets caught. But how. Now, nothing works.
One leg of the ladders in tights. The other in the air.
My arm gets caught in the strap with nylon.
You do not have enough time Amadea. Stress is not up now. You're finished already with other difficult situations.
Why I no longer hear the band?
And suddenly I hear it.
This can not be!
band down!
pantyhose high!
flush lever down and out.
The stairs!
Into the restaurant.
I grab a glass.
The Danube so blue, so blue, so blue.
missiles thunder.
Happy New Year! Since I have a kisses on the cheek. One that I do not know. A German.
all others at the table to kiss me too.
Happy New Year! strangers hug me.
I go back to the table. In a trance, the other glass in hand.
Happy new year, Amadea. Stay Healthy.
You too, Anna. Happy New Year. I have to wash my hands.
On leaving, she calls after me: As depends on what your leg, Amadea. And a ladder you have, too.


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