Sunday, December 5, 2010

What To Mix Drambuie With

Wikileaks unmasked the ugly face of alleged law

Wikileaks has made it and everyone is talking about - even in the supposed "quality media".

This Mietmäuler of course the job, the information content of the Cable Gates papers to write small. They peddle mostly unimportant information from the papers that meet the ordinary in the Yellow Press. And of course, is the people not aware that only a very small part of the paper was put online.

Wikileaks, however, has a high demand on the disclosure of secret data. Each message must be checked by two independent persons and sensitive personal data must be removed or blackened. In addition, the data were previously provided to all major print media in the major Western industrial nations available - and then publish the audited information.

Wikileaks has never acted differently. It offers the possibility of informant information without being recognized and protected against unauthorized access to online. In this way journalism works all over the world, in contrast to the obsequious and uncritical reporting, where journalists like well-known make known or nonsensical questions and get answers.

with one major difference - Wikileaks provides truly secure data protection. If today, even former "journalists" as a gentleman Leyendecker, attack Wikileaks diskreditiieren it and then you should know how far our legal system and insbedondere it "supporting" characters are corrupted.

A high Canadian official has publicly demanded the killing of Assange. Of course, without resonance in the German press of Mietmäuler. This is also not published, that students and officials in the U.S. were drawn from personal letters that a visit would threaten the Wikileaks sites from their employment and their prospects for a job. Where are we living in?

have become known, however, public statements by the Foreign Minister of the United States, Mrs. Clinton, her staff to obtain sensitive data even from UN ambassadors. Fingerprint and credit card numbers belonged to it. What you probably do so all can? For the so-called quality media, however, is less unusual let alone empörendswert. Where are we living in?

is now thinking about it already in France, by which means, one can forbid the hosting of Wikileaks data. Existing stores are closed to Wikileaks, accounts are locked. All this without any judicial sentence. Governing and company managers act in the alleged democracies like royalty, just as if the judiciary would have already been abolished. Where are we living in?

addition to dismantle them the appearance of the face of Wikileaks, Juliane Assange, and spread with relish the story of an alleged rape and the international search Assange do.

It is each of these Mietmäuler known that Assange was questioned already in Sweden and was released because there was no rape. Both women had sought their own initiative in sexual intercourse, even several times, and even after days of enthusiasm about it expressed publicly.

was needed in Sweden has three prosecutors to construct using a special feature of the Swedish law, a prosecution. Ending a cohabitation that began with condom, without condom, then it is a rape can be constructed. Of course, this fact in Germany "quality media" is never mentioned, nor is informed that it is possible in Israel is to construct a rape when one conceals the woman that you are not a Jew.

Welcome to reality!

thinks And always remember - so far, only a very small part of the document published. This is the real reason for the current self - unmasking the self-proclaimed Democrats Anglo - American model.

on Fox News was reported yesterday in detail about the arrest of Assange. The judge within England found that Assange can not be extradited to Sweden, because the alleged crimes in England would be no crime. It is not about rape, it is important that a condom is geplatz. And our

polluters, such as WDR, ZDF, as well as all the newspapers continue to spread the myth of an alleged rape. Who can stop these criminals! If the finish is really sure to understand any English?

After I had threatened the WDR e-mail an ad when they report again in connection with Assange of a rape, "rape" with "sexual assault" has been replaced. What work for perverts there?

However, the English judge was in custody Assange Why?

order to allow the United States in the meantime a different arrest warrant be drawn up. Because it would then order the publications in the network. But then of course would have all the respon Main Street Media in prison the same like Wikileaks have made! For this reason, you wonder in the U.S., Assange to deny the status of a journalist. Only "journalists" can refer to this view, "Democrats" on the First Amendment, freedom of information.

you can more directly reveal the visage of this democracy?

Welcome to reality! Wikileaks unmasked the self-proclaimed state of law.

self bow English judge, the U.S. American domination.

Control of German "quality media" is perfect. Even on 12/08/2010 at 9:36 clock, after the establishment of Assange, and after the declaration of the English judge, that Swedish arrest warrant is not an accusation of rape, this information is in German media reported. How hollow

German journalists can be taken solely from the fact that itself is written in the star continuously, Wikileaks would have made the full data from Cable-Gates online. But can most likely hollow, the wrong word, so do not be stupid to. This is the commission of Mietmäulern for brainwashing!

Monitor yesterday made an exception once, and sent halfway reasonable information to Wikileaks. However, without dumbing down the general media to attack directly, including awareness of what's going on here really!


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