Thursday, December 23, 2010

How To Reduce Frequent Erection

EU - the direct road to the dictatorship of the money aristocracy

One of the key lies in order once again to get to the actual topic of this blog, is the EU. Under the guise of preventing further wars in Europe, the goal of a united Europe from the politicians (whether left or right) foisted the people.

the real driving forces remained in the background. These were the nobility and the moneyed aristocracy, which in the early 50s to a Secret Club have joined forces - the Bilderbergers. Your driver could only stay a secret, because almost all political forces and in particular the media fully informed of the shareholders were under their control.

Today, the former secret documents in the network freely available. Nevertheless, suggests no significant resistance, on the contrary, even Oskar Lafontaine, the myth continues to spread, from the united Europe, that peace and economic prosperity of its people secure.

This post demo Cartesian Europe even has a constitution, which of course can not call it that, because that in a democratic way, even after over 60 years of massive propaganda is not possible. A referendum, which is essential for constitutions according to the prevailing doctrine, would be found in almost any country in the majority.

the "unconstitutional" is still binding for all countries, nearly 90 percent of all new laws are adopted in Europe and € are not subject to parliamentary control. The Pseudoparlamet in Brussels can read and talk and they can only confirm a president, including its commissioner, which was set before you. It may not nominate opposing candidates and there should not reject a commissioner. Who speaks for this body of Parliament, who left well rid of old soil of democracy.

the "unconstitutional" is today from any citizen be viewed on the Internet. When the German Bundestag voted on this was not the case. In this supposedly democratic country one of the most important laws were passed without any of the contents of the parliamentarians would have only read about. has to be said is that this "unconstitutional" even by the majority of lawyers in this country can not be read.

This contract is completely useless as a constitution and without a multi-year study to not understand. Flege Gerd Kamp offers to interested parties on its website a well-edited version of this pseudo-Constitution. The purpose of building this "constitution" is to make the content unreadable and thus prevent the people able to read and understand this treaty. The goal was achieved.

All major laws in the countries of the EU are subject to this pseudo-Constitution. About 80 percent of all new laws are passed by a committee and must be changed in each country translated into national law. It's not about the content but the design. Since the German Michel can choose what he wants. As an alternative, any elected government, only the withdrawal from the Union.

Where the contracts it is the remaining free nations to deal with such governments with economic and military actions. The necessary organizations are already available and waiting to be activated.

In the design of additional laws for the removal of rights of the people - commonly referred to as civil rights - the governments of the countries in the EU are autonomous. From 1.1.2011 there is in Hungary a "commission" that decides whether have kept information on the Internet and in newspapers, the principle of "objectivity." Violators can be punished with substantial fines. The Prime Minister of this country takes over the presidency of the EU on 1.1.2011.

Who wants to learn the German radio and television about this, should discover how these Mietmäuler this frontal attack on democracy . Blandish They are not to be justified even stupid, this abolition of expression and freedom of information so that each country in the design of its press laws, "free" would be.

it goes even more boldly? Hungary makes only the frontrunners.


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