Monday, December 27, 2010

My Female Doctor Stares At My Penis


When everything is over
If it no longer crackles
hot and still
Then Feuerabend
Then do not we
talk and dream
of summer and winter
from spring and autumn
Then we feel
That it is a song are
Like night and day
As word and voice
Like father and son
Like love
burns everything and
How cold
The all iced
No letter this world
stop them is When they come

When everything is over
If it does not stop sizzling hot and still

* * *

Merkwürdig: Bin heute Morgen zwischen 4 und 5 wach geworden und hatt diesen Text im Kopf .... Manchmal notier their mir Dinge, die nicht selbst their verstehe, aber mach's trotzdem them. So they know Fotos mache. Einfach so ...


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