Because together was ...
The title I have the Nachdenkseiten removed. In the article Wolfgang Lieb points out that the "rights" in the U.S. and in Europe on the rise. He even sees parallels
on developments after Black Friday.
Albrecht Müller fights like the amiable Knight of the Sorrowful against the "dream world of relevant journalists." Unfortunately, both
are not aware of how the view is really influenced and how opinion actually works. The word "opportunity" is used even on the Nachdenkseiten without a second thought. The chance to become a millionaire every citizen has only the lottery twice a week. Nevertheless, the lottery is of course no alterative. The chance is in reality of course no. Yet the political impact of this opportunity is unfortunately greater than the blog of the Nachdenkseiten.
Who wants to influence opinion, must first gain control of both language and the meaning of words. When politicians today, without being tarred and feathered, can swagger of opportunities instead of an improvement in living conditions, then these gentlemen have achieved a lot. If today can be described as the dismantling of social reform, then the victory is almost perfect.
have Unfortunately, neither Mr. nor Mr. Mueller Lieb recognized today that terms such as employer and employee contributions, the real core lies the Rulers are. The thesis makes surely the one who is working as an employee or his work freely available, or are. The employer is therefore in reality the workers or employees. And the one who is paid for but the truth of the "workers". As these terms are used simply reverse the ruling of the Sovereign have documented the language. The image of St. Martin was transferred as easily to the rule.
still bolder one is taken when the concept of employer contribution. He will suggest the so-called "employers" would participate in the financing of social systems. Of course, no one has a job, if he thereby will not improve his own income. The use of the work force thus a benefit for those being developed, which paid for this use. Whoever still does not understand that the person also uses all his energy generated, which is paid for it, can do only one suffering. With the concept of "employer contribution" of them are distracted. The image of the jacket part is thus complete.
It allowed to laugh.
the social systems in Germany had never thought otherwise when they were incurred, as a self-help organization of working people. The weak to support the weaker ones, so they do not rebel against the real injustice.
His own staff also often called public servants who were of course not integrated into the social system. Private pension and health insurance earners this so-called social system were withdrawn resistant.
Today (better yesterday at midnight in the first) may in the public television even a Jew rant again about that "Work makes free" is a mind set of values would be if it had not used the Nazis. Of course, this may only tell a Jew, without public (license) to trigger outrage.
Work is of course not free. From what was to free a work? Work is necessary, no work can occur and nothing is to be preserved from decay. And of course, the concept of "work" constantly by the manipulators of opinion has been edited. The house is now working as a "working" no longer in the mind. Work shall not be considered work, if it is paid. And who is the best paid, which is doing the most work. If people are not paid enough for their work, let the "welfare state" through "social benefits" to compensate.
Now the reader supposed to know who has to pay these "social services". Social benefits are to a large part of health insurance and pension contributions, which of course only pay the remaining in the so-called "social system" are.
So if today people are forced by law to make a work that is so poorly paid that they also "social" need, then this must be referred to as forced labor. The term "welfare state" is thus again one of the known term distortions.
The ratio of those who pay for this alleged benefit and those who are to gedränkt that they must take is getting worse. The fear of those who still pay into the social system, even for social assistance recipients are increasing. The result of this process is predictable. The
Development of fascism is now controlled the same way as before. Unfortunately, man is forgetful and liars in de media do everything to exploit this property. Fascists were first in America, then in England and only then in Germany. Of course, this is now generally known. The first was banned sites for Jews and blacks are not in Germany.
After 9 / 11 there were lots of attacks with anthrax in letters that were sent by post. When anthrax can be stupid enough to determine where it comes from. It came from a U.S. military - factory. The reports on it were then resolved quickly. Today allegedly packages from Yemen and Greece with explosive content sent.
believe the nonsense really anyone else?
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