The alleged Financial crisis
is of course not. Here loots an organized criminal gang with the help of their Mitmäuler in the media all the economies.
And what do we tell the Mietmäuler? The Greeks had lived beyond its means and The Irishmen are broke etc etc. As will instead rants about government debt to banks and their owners.
Following the credo of the liberals of the market interest rate, may be added to the credit, determined by how much is the security that the loan is repaid. With the achieved Einnnahmen by the higher interest loan losses should be covered. Or? This is obviously not for government bonds. Which must be met for the plight of other states. The only question, then why pay more than 9 percent Irishmen, Greeks over 11 percent and Germany 2.5 percent must be, right? If all are the same, then there is of course no reason why different Raise interest rates.
Unless, that the whole is just gibberish to brainwashing. Supposedly, German investors in Ireland have created over 100 billion. Only those who actually created as money, that is in the public service broadcasters dumbing down of course, not told.
It's about speculators, banks, pension funds and insurance companies that enrich here to the peoples of Europe. The poorest people are here yet to earn the biggest profit for this criminal. How stupid must be a people that can tell such nonsense as "alternative"?
Even as public claims by Mrs Merkel, to avoid so-called debtor states to vote in Europe to be accepted by the people already. States take the credit, lose the right to an independent policy. Laws are created by the servants of capital and may not be given the nod by the elected representatives have to give these dictatorships a democratic veneer.
In the absence of a genuine alternative to the corrupt political landscape one can even afford it now and then to hold elections in order to maintain a semblance of democracy. They are there to choose from all bought, whether green, yellow or brown if .....
The people, meanwhile, is kept busy with terror alerts. Still relevant to the WDR Hub Connectors to the alleged fabrications to aid money that Ireland rejects. The cause of the rejection of this poisoned chalice was not made clear, of course. ;-)
A state which has no own currency and its economy is not on duty and can protect the control of financial flows is not a state. Currently working under the U.S. Americans "Uncle Tom" because to build a more so-called free trade zone. The term free trade zones is of course a linguistic confusion.
It is not about freedom, it is important that the countries around Japan to abolish its tariffs so that large U.S. corporations, the American food supply these countries can destroy. The local rural population is against this octopus, financed by "Uncle Tom", of course, powerless. The best example can be admired in Haiti. This country has ideal conditions to secure their own supply itself. In a free trade zone with the U.S. this could be completely reversed. Haiti is now nearly 100 percent dependent on food imports. In Europe
duties have been replaced by subsidies. in agriculture Would the alleged laws of the market followed, there would be no agriculture in the EU more. With the subsidized goods then flooded Africa and the criminals who are responsible that Africa remains in poverty, talk and act is also called "aid workers" - is not perverse, right?
Far - we are only in the middle of the planned "NWO", where the rulers gain complete control of the gene products through the world. With a small operation in the gene structure can then easily be decimated entire peoples and resistance.
You do not believe it? Then on dreaming!
There is only one Möglichket this system without a revolution and war to stop. People need to realize that interest rates are a little indecent. Interest rates inevitably lead to ruin. The compound interest, ie interest on interest is an exponential Curve. A penny in the first year after Christ applied to 5 percent would result in a sum equivalent to the value of several thousand globes of gold. Who does not believe it - Recalculate!
invents In Chinese history, a farmer chess. The Emperor is so impressed that he asked the farmers to express a wish. The man wants a grain of rice on the first field and to the future in each case twice the number of the previous field. The Emperor laughed at this "modest" request, and instructs his servant to get the rice. A chessboard has 64 squares. The emperor had soon realized that he was not the wish of the farmers themselves with the total rice production in his country to do.
For precisely these reasons, economic crises arise. The money is so long accumulated in fewer hands, until the financial system collapses, as most people no more. This simple calculation knew all people and for this reason, the prohibition of interest today in all major religions. ;-)
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