your jewelry
You always say nothing is better than nature
And, you know, I think you today
Even more than that day
When I first Time I saw
My heart stopped
Because I was overwhelmed and really did not
I know today is not much better
But I see and learn
that nothing, absolutely nothing
is beautiful and better than the
What God What has made
God has given us
What's breath and tears open our eyes wide
me the chance (?) There's Something in the enjoyment comers
and happy
your jewelry
I know it very well even though I
only part of it have seen it a secret
full of beauty and love and warmth
Your jewelry is sacred and
He belongs neither to you nor me, and yet
is probably a part of this garden are
where you want to keep order
As you told me the other day and I still
heard your voice and your request to God that he helps
That he
Protect yourself and your children
And I believe He will continue to do
For thine Is his jewelry jewelry
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