Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Swanson Chicken Broth Expired

burning like a torch, a high-rise The truth

in Shanghai - it just does not just collapse. Except for 9 / 11 is still a high-rise never been brought to a complete collapse by fire. ;-)

Even on FOX News in the U.S. then reported again on television about the WTC 7 and the more than 1,200 architects, are demanding a new investigation of 9 / 11. And here? Nothing.

Just a few days, on all channels the arrest of an alleged terrorist in the Aachen area reported that the press was free to members of the Sauerland group. As it turned out that even in this case, an agent of the BND was involved, the coverage has been abruppt.

There is no single case of "terror" on the intelligence agencies have not taken part in the front line. The "Normlbürger" looks aghast at what has now already, if you ask him about the underwear bomber. What kind of underwear bomber? Here are purchased just because of this case, or the manipulation of U.S. intelligence, extensive and costly new purchases to check on people.

Due to a printer that is to have come from Yemen and was allegedly equipped with a bomb, now all companies that send goods abroad, with high security areas. It has been documented a few months ago that the runways of the airports can be accessed easily and uncontrollably.

The fakes are of course scattered programs. The people should be kept in fear and accept other restrictions on a supposedly existing "freedom" without a murmur. In addition, then bought surveillance equipment, supplied by companies in which particular former political leaders are involved. Pay needs of citizens, and the sheep willing to pay.

Britain wants Guantanamo detainees now compensate - to ensure that courts take the crimes of the government publicly. The judges have yet actually required by the government document access. Now is to prevent a prompt compensation without a court saying that the crimes of Tony Blair and his MI5 are publicly known. There seems to be working the third power or in part, what one of our most can not seriously claim.

You have to understand, of course, that the judges were from the Nazi time taken over almost completely in the new republic, and this "floor" the new Richter has trained. Law students who are informed in the left spectrum, or even a non-banned Communist Party had joined were, by "radical adoption" is not included in this society. No judge has ever been convicted for actions during the Nazi period. What would you expect there?

Even the judge in the Weimar Republic came from the imperial period and judged accordingly!


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