brews on German television
I could hardly believe my ears when I watched on Sunday morning on the SWR Telekolleg. Topic was Organinisierte crime and terror.
here but you could actually experience that, in Kossovo, where German soldiers supposedly defending freedom for years, women will be sold as slaves on the market of ancient Rome. Would you the last is taken and at the slightest resistance to be shot and killed in cold blood. Those who survive this ordeal, which landed in a real parallel society, which is related but not questioned. In this supposedly liberal Europe, hundreds of thousands live in Skaverei.
Here you could actually hear speakers, which I lament that today can occur even in the public television pimps, to spread the harmlessness of their actions. You could even find that pimps were granted by law a right of instruction for "their" prostitutes.
Yes, even the fact that the Taliban, as they still fought against the Russians, the public radio and TV have been lauded as a freedom fighter, was discussed in public here!
And brought Dr. Wolfgang Hetzer even managed by the "so-called" financial crisis to speak and to demand the issue of politics and finance to include OK. This resulted in the call, not to ask him to name examples - he had intended to offer aureichendes material.
It was a really interesting morning - unfortunately, those facts just to midnight and the morning of the weekend (7 to 8 clock) to be related, to keep the audience limited.
on the same station was sent at midnight the day before a film by Michael Moore to the American health care system in 2007. Who wants to know how this FDP Minister Rösler, with the support of the FDP and the CDU wants to transform the health system of this Republic. should get this movie file.
is quite willing to claim that CDU and FDP would not get done. In particular, the protagonists or their cabaret mock you and to give the audience the feeling that it would have anything bad to happen. In reality, no government was so effective.
Based on the Green / Red Arbeistlosenversicherung destruction of this government could not only the running times of nuclear power stations and extend tax breaks to distribute, in no time now to be the cornerstone of the welfare state destroyed.
pension and health insurance will be unrecognizable in a few years. And unions are now demanding to increase the contribution to the pension fund, rather than to shorten the work week and thus to increase the number of contributors.
Madness celebrates joyful resurrection!
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