Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Plasma Tv Relaibility

The real terrorists (2) The real terrorists

Who today thinks the word terror is not disclosed to supporting, Islamic holy warriors?

too, is of course a performance of our media on behalf of their clients. Who else used the dictionary to discover the meaning of a word are wrong: spreading terror Done, pressure, coercion, compulsion, dictation ...

who spread terror but here, exerts pressure, compels, forces and dictates?

If the seriously apply to the few young men who present via U-Tube more funny than horror movies spreading. Wherein also the question, in whose behalf they were actually created?

And who benefits really, if attacks are really carried out, regardless of whether they reach the alleged target, or "be prevented?

a blackmail on the part of the alleged Terrorristen is the latest since the death of Martin Schleyer, a chimera - they're not simple, because there is no one who blackmail could be let alone dictate anything. ;-)

Terror has only one purpose: to make the people docile and to establish a police state without much resistance, which appear even the visions of Orwell's 1984 as a kiddie.

All Murder show at least since 2001, as the system would work, of course, to 99.9 percent in the fight against evil. In particular, Denmark and Sweden do excelled there. But the German productions have upgraded. By pressing a button lives of people and current surveillance recordings to PCs and notebooks, the investigators are transmitted.

The task these films is to establish this condition as normal and necessary in the minds of the mostly young audience. Psychologists call this a character. It is very efficient and works without any knowledge gained from the data subject.

The method has worked in the 50s. And Adenauer was the only way to win his election and to enforce the rearmament of Germany.

Who followed in 2009, only a little attention to news magazines and on German television, who could experience a year, was in the nearly sent none of these items without a contribution to the Stasi.

The simple task of propaganda is and was to alternatives to the existing capitalist system in the bud to erschicken. Who has no alternative is safe and non-voters than the system can no longer dangerous. Who

information and events still questioned, and can not be gebrantmarkt as a socialist alternative, which is now denounced as conspiracy theorists. This term has been so long spread across all media until it almost all have accepted gewümschten sense. Even those who are even using this fight made an end of term.

can the example of 9 / 11 to recognize any "bread" the madness of light, if he wants. The conspiracy is still committed to the official version Osam Bin Laden and his 15 "riders", right? At that time have probably not sent any mail and announced their stops. ;-)

Who cares though, how is it possible that three high-rise buildings are pulverized in a day and why WT7 the only skyscraper in the world, is that ever collapsed simply by a fire which is now considered irrespective of the person Conspiracy theorists defamed.


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