Monday, February 7, 2011

Can I Get Into The Army With Amblyopia

The liars and Volksverdummer well positioned

After years of demonizing Iranian president has had to concede the ZDF that the fabrications - Ahmadinejad had said that Israel must be wiped off the map - was a hoax.

who still believes in this dirty lie, who can look on the Internet, what was actually said.

let Despite this clear evidence itself to the Nachdenkseiten that the lie is spread about the president of Iran, even on their own pages on. While the Mietmäuler ZDF had to admit her lie, distributed a "mud sling" as Mr. Orlando Pascheit the Nachdenkseiten continue the myth, the Holocaust would Ahmediendschad . Deny And Wolfgang Lieb and Albert Müller leave him alone.

What a bore. this gentleman is Pascheit may, in his article of 7 February 2011 to be admired. This "mud sling" is expressed here as follows:

"connect the Muslim brothers not only in poor feeding, that impression you sometimes get in the West, but they maintain social centers, schools and hospitals, they have factories and companies and occupy important positions army and union. "

a banned organization that is occupied important positions in the army and trade unions. For how stupid this Pascheit keeps his readers? And how can an organization denounced the welfare centers and operates hospitals? In a country with an average earning less than € 2 a day? What happened in the brain? Because he has one?

This "mud sling" seriously believes that in a country of 80 million with an average daily wage under 2 €, Internet bloggers could spark a revolution? What kind of spider? The majority can afford a PC of course. They are happy when they do not starve. But of course this is for the spoiled children of the West and this Pascheit unthinkable. Pictures from Tunisia now show how people look for simple contact with Internet bloggers, so that their opinion is published.

yet unimaginable for these pseudo-democrats, the majority of the population is called a democratic election, because they do not choose that which is currently valid for Mr Pascheit the "democracy".

forget the Nachdenkseiten never to refer to cabaret shows such as the "institution" and "Volker Pispers. Slapstick in intektuellem robe. I like Pispers. But on the 07/02/2011 there was a much more important mission. "The Secret War" - It was about Laos. However, if you could keep your ears and eyes open (at 23:15 clock on WDR) could see the blueprint of the Afghanistan war.

Even then the CIA dealt in drugs to finance his crimes. Exactly as in Afghanistan. These criminals have learned from their English models. This small country has dominated much of his time in China and India. The term opium war some can read about it on the web.

alone, Vietnam and Laos are for murder of millions of U.S. military.

Iran was "allowed" to study these U.S. criminals in the invasion of Iraq to Iran in more detail. Although we knew these U.S. criminals since the enthronement of the Shah. Back then crashed this "pseudo-democrats" the elected president of Iran. Today is the son of the Shah's endured in the U.S., in the event of a further fall of President-elect the governor for leave U.S. criminals.

In Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Georgia we have already made employees of the CIA to the president. And the CIA has many employees from all countries of the world in his service.

The propaganda of the "West" does not distinguish once again between the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Even an "intellectual" of the Left (Gregor Gysi) is because of their depth and the mixed terms. What can we of the so-called "ordinary people" expect? The Islamist has taken the place of the Jews. Is still officially been fighting against. Sarrazin and Erfoge of the right in Denmark. the Netherlands, Austria, Italy and Hungary, however, show clearly what happens , when the economic data continue beraber.

Unfortunately, the leftists are just as blind and stupid as before the Nazis seized power. Even then, the left and right have their heads smashed and the actual causes have stood aside and rubbed his hands and laughed.

If people feel threatened by foreigners, with hatred or prohibitions responds that drives these people right in the corner where they should not stand - and he conducts the business of those who should be the real enemy.

A people can not be dominated by the ruling. This part of this people are needed. The greatest artists in this area were the English. With their method of divide and conquer this small nation, India has colonized!

Unfortunately, the man capable of learning far less than we believe is made! ;-)


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