Monday, February 7, 2011

Ice Skating Bottom Foot Pain

Uneven SHPK hybrids on the Baltic coast, snow in homeopathic doses on the weekend ...

Hello ...


The low, which currently runs along the Baltic Sea to the East what it takes ... yesterday it was in the Midlands gusts of up to 120 km / h tonight, northern Germany and Denmark was in it ..

.. and now you have to adapt to the Polish coast in rough hours.

The shape of the depression, cutting across a couple of hours previously considered is suspect ..

.. has been a bit of a mushroom head ... the water vapor image shows another interesting feature:

a well-marked dark, so much drier strip directly behind the cold front can be seen .. (Click to enlarge)
In the region between the cold front and Okklusiopn occurred in the strongest gusts, maybe even a little north of the occlusion itself, we have to do so at least with a Shapiro-Keyser hybrids of Austria with a Schlenker bring weak cold front with a wind ... bissl

Speaking of wind, who is sleeping with us temporarily and is responsible for the following nice picture ... Widespread

has in the lowlands a striking, but extremely shallow inversion formed. Sometimes down to minus 3 degrees in the valleys, about 100 meters up to 12 degrees, as in Brunn am Gebirge ...

interesting is the history of the weather conditions for another 48 hours at high pressure from Wednesday until Saturday ..

west of Scandinavia has already built up the time to diesaem I mentioned in last posting strong high, and sends cold air to the south, reaching behind the cold front of the lows over the Baltics and Central Europe ... but not quite .. because the Atalntik are not quite alone. Deeply immersed in the foothills by creating high-way to Central Europe ..

.. a boundary between a mild weather southwest and a cold north-east is indicated as a solution on the day before yesterday from me to be asking questions. A little rain could there be temporarily assigned to this position on Saturday in the north-eastern Austria, and then again when the cold-active part of the LMG in the night to Monday through our country moves to the southeast ... more snow to get there, naturally, over the weekend from our German neighbors .. we know already from December.

then leaves us on a daily JRC freeze in cold air away from the East dry, while ECMWF very quickly take over, according to the Atlantic lows dominance with mitigation. Nix accurate we know not, except that that will fall on us probably not much snow;)




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