Breschnewjournalismus and Hungarian media tactics in Austria
Hi, I'm
geschlaucht arrived this morning in Austria. In between, I am for example in Singapore on Yasi informed and noticed that Yasi has held fairly closely to the predictions of the BOM. It is good that reduced by current status of the damage to property.
In connection with Yasi I act now from an inglorious chapter in the Austrian online journalism.
A source of press releases from UBIMET, or by me on Monday, made it on Tuesday in the online world of the former state monopoly radio operator, who calls himself Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, the common abbreviation for this is known as ORF. The rest of this posting I quote this authority as OBRF.
Here is the article immediately after the release: Curious
like a little child, I waited until the Brezhnev-censorship strikes and made references to my person and UBIMET The article will be removed.
The Personalized B-censorship, whose name I do not want to save on legal fees, was a bit sluggish, and it took time whopping 2 hours, had gone to all references to the origin of the information in the article.
sees OBRF The version of the article like this:
and is cognate with the pretty .... I written media release
summary: 2 hours after the article was posted on OBRF.AT, it was edited. The amendment consisted solely in the removal of UBIMET and my name.
... you almost get the impression that the Hungarian government must have been first on working visit to the Küniglberg to get creative input to create the new and controversial Hungarian media authority. Funnily enough, I wear through coercion charge and tax benefits to the salary of the unnamed Brezhnev Censor-in.
is taken Morally it is the theft of IP, intellectual property, because the concealment of the source of the information suggests the average reader that the medium itself or in the case of OBRF the author.
legally allowed to do the OBRF the other hand, because by making available an information issued to the media one, if not detailed specifications are made, the right to change the content.
Serious media have not done the other hand, we see that the behavior of the Crown, the standards, the press, the Upper austrian news, the Salzburger Nachrichten more. Only the OBRF marked by this brilliant action. It is not upfront, the impression I would be so proud of the Call-drying my name, but if the OBRF operates such an effort to remove just about this later and understand entirely on personal grounds, to the captured here for all readers be.
Leonid, look owa, your spirit lives on ... in Austria.
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