in times like these, you cling to every blade of grass, something exciting to blog about the weather. The more one looks forward, then when the blade of grass for more than a balancing act or lifeline expand, thus actually hergibt something. Interestingly, the current was running about Austria Luftmassengreze that is very sharply defined and active weather ... but more on that later ...
The location:
we see a strong front band across the Alps, cold air in the north east, warm air in the southwest. .. a little zoom on Central Europe make this clear:
the temperature differences across the front are quite considerable and amount to some more than 20 K in the equivalent potential temperature, so combined temperature and humidity to energy measurement.
In the front it has rained in some areas, productive, like looking back at the last 24 hours:
Spo include the Mostviertel some more fallen over 30 liters, for the previously bone-dry February, a sensational ... and actually, as I speculated on Thursday it has in a narrow strip on the northeast edge of the Front for snow, partly served and substantially ...
In the models, the sharpness of the front line, visible ...
The card readers know maybe it is the front automatically berechnetet parameters. front signals are shown in colors. In finer resolution to split the front signals on multiple parallel bands.
forms in the large-scale distribution of temperature äquvaltentpotentiellen once again the striking air mass contrast from ....
morning progresses, the active warm front ahead to the east, this person may in the northeast in the afternoon a bit Flankerln. The coming days bring a return to the marsh, little more Ethusiasmuss in the words from the middle of the week could trigger a Mediterranean cyclones ....
beautiful evening & lg
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