The actual numbers for election in Hamburg
If more than 40 percent do not vote, then this certainly shows clearly what the citizens think of the election. With less than 30 percent of the electorate that a party can win an absolute majority in parliament. SPD and CDU have come together to move less than 50 percent of the electorate, you can choose. This fact is however almost never mentioned. Even the Left does not talk more about it. are well out of fear that one would reckon her that she referred to the voters ended up less than 5 percent.
Hungary has managed the current head of government even with 52 percent of the vote to fill a majority of seats by 75 percent.
Can we still call it democratic?
But this kind of democracy is even greater. In referendums rich 21 percent of the electorate to bring about so-called "democratic" people's decisions.
In truth, a greater proportion of the population away from the election and then is still boldly juggled with percentages, in which the majority of eligible voters is not included.
Correctly, would the parliamentary seats, which account for non-voters (including those invalid votes), remain unfilled. In votes are counted those votes would always "no." Only with this solution would be for the Existensfrage parties and make all parties would seek to bring the voters to the ballot box.
But our chancellor has already publicly questioned the raison d'être of democracy. An echo to it has been possible only read blogs. Just as our Constitution forbids wars of aggression, but Mr. Guttenberg quite blithely rants about the necessity of war to secure the German economy. When former Federal President Köhler, the Greens have rebelled against such statements. Today this is a general silence.
Let's see how long it will take some time before the spark of Tunis spills over and understand the powerless, that they are really powerful!
Mr. Scholz was seen in 2010 at the meeting of the Bilderbergers. Coincidence? Mrs Merkel had been seen prior to their 2005 election at the meeting. But such facts can be dismissed immediately of course as a conspiracy theory.
Without the resistance of a few Democrats would even here voting on voting machines. And the result of this kind of election could be decided by the Bilderbergers in advance. Thanks to the stupidity of the citizens can be the desired result, failing that, for effective control with the help of the media and non-voters.
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