Sunday, February 13, 2011

Cervical Mucus Breastfeeding

Ca. 3250 Flakes / m² in the North East ....


these days is modest when one comes from one the amazement did not get out. I have plenty of something yesterday Geflocke spoken in the northeast in the afternoon. Mittelerweile it snows in nuclear favorites Department Unterlaa since a few hours easily and continuously and there is also a bissl are what ...

It is interesant, as the snow melts in spite of minus 1 degree, especially on dark surfaces. Responsible for this is the diffuse radiation clouds, even in the thick clouds in February, already at 50, 60 W / m heat ...

Responsible for Geflocks is still the distinctive air mass limit which lies across Austria ...

that it is sufficient in theory to the east for snow sea level, in the west, the theoretical snow line is about 1500m in part, as a glance at the equivalent potential temperature ..

this a little rule of thumb: 12 degrees equipotential: snowfall to sea level (with the exception of the Dead Sea)
24: 1000m
36: 2000m, etc, etc. For this one will obviously require-mixed conditions and neglegiert inversions ..

In the models we see, that the front is progressing towards something yesterday moved to the East ...

.. However, we also see that this will change tomorrow at the position, with little ...

It remains on the cold side of the font with east to southeast wind in the main to .. with the occasional bit of Geflankerl and Geniesel the modest enstprechend see the Ausscihten the next few days from:

Feiner has since Weschten ... with mild Föhnunterstützung there are close to the sun and temperatures of 10 degrees. (Who I like .. taste ..)

see feuchtlert Furthermore, the prospects from the middle of the week out .. the Mediterranean is low. The big snow in the lowlands but for now you should be dismissed as wishful thinking, since it seems that the core will result in such a way that we come to his front in warm air and the snow is something for the mountains ...

nice Sunday still




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