Monday, February 28, 2011

Directions To Uses Abreva

Short update on the short-and medium-term weather conditions ...

Good morning,

only from the fact that in the Alps did not happen (the weather) we conclude rarely a dull moment in other regions:

A weak low-honored just the Norwegians do not worry, tomorrow you get from an ordinary, it develops just above the Central Atlantic .. a toxic cyclones twists in via Italy, are embedded partly strong, convective rain prevailed. Since the low-withdrawing to the south, the wind shifts on the Adriatic Sea to the east to northeast increasingly until tomorrow reaches the Bora therefore on the Croatian Adriatic coast hurricane strength again:

.. only Austria remains an island of the blessed and is boring. During the day, the values are at least more pleasant:

DAS, ladies and gentlemen, will not change until the weekend, by the Downstream Development caught in our direction sent North Atlantic trough us in the course of Saturday from the North West ... Gfs in more than a harmless shock, in the new ECMWF but a direct hit, which would manifest themselves to freezing in the new week into it. It would be wise to accept from me that a few times will go back and forth (damper vs. Full Impact)

Trogvorstösse or no one noticed the most in the northern hemisphere maps. The green and blue tones in geopotential of the 500 he will face in the representation of rare, the more yellow, and orange tones of intense ... which can generally conclude that day-long cold spells, even if the Kaltluftvorstösse are so massive (minus 15 in 850 hPa is still ..), they are increasingly less sustainable.

consolation I can do in 3 weeks when I come back to Austria, for the Summer here in Melbourne is a flop. Currently, the temperature in 850 was only slightly above 0 degrees, so it is in Munich (in height) is currently just warm ...




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