My father tried every year during the carnival to realize his craft arts at me. His preference was mainly flowers of the alpine flora.
In one year I was a gentian, in the following an edelweiss and another time a Turk's cap or a Alpenrose.
My greatest wish was to appear again as a princess for the annual carnival for children. This desire seemed
with the arrival of one packet of distant relatives from the U.S. to get it.
Among all the used clothing that were for me and my sister here, was a beautiful, yellow princess dress with lace, frills, puffed sleeves and black velvet ribbons.
My biggest dream would come true at last.
answered the question very proud I Reinhold, my beloved, I wanted to get married someday, which I was then - a princess of course, can not you see that?
He stared at me in disbelief.
after the first few years I understood why. My father had painted my face black and I put on a funny hat.
An experience that I never processed, not even in the countless discussions with my father over the years. Incidentally, I have
Reinhold not married. With twenty-clad
my girlfriend and I are like clowns. Unrecognizable, of course.
The most popular carnival party in Salzburg was then the psycho-Gschnas and our greatest pleasure was to know that none of the would-be psychologists, who we were.
course, no psychology students.
In the years after my friends and I dressed us as witches. No, not as toothless, ragged women, but as a beautiful, mysterious witches in green or yellow, with a pointed hat, boa, black mesh and high-heeled shoes.
Then I was in the habit of the carnival to the various parties, balls to go on Gschnas.
Only last year, seized the occasion of the carnival ball at me again the village in the form of a virus with Hiatatbuam Papas old leather trousers, the old selbstg'strickten Röckei sheep and wool socks.
It was looking not very, and I made up my mind to be home no later than midnight.
But the music was great, the men were charming and I went through the whole night.
Last night it was time again. Our theme this year's Life Ball.
policewomen. The two men.
in fishnet stockings, tight corset and boots. A wig, false eyelashes and long, red fingernails stuck.
During the midnight show in the form of a strip was made of S morals police
T. Of course, everything was within normal limits.
We just got rid of the jackets and Kapperl.
And again, I only came home early at five.

I know I'm swimming with the crowd.
I know I should see the carnival and all the trappings critical, rather make fun of me, so how about the fuss Christmas.
But I love the carnival.
And I also love Christmas.
Also, I am still here to work through my childhood trauma.
And this is a process that takes years.
The healing process is probably only complete if I disguise myself as gentian or
But as far as I'm still not long.
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